广州名牌包包批发 莆田安福相册 每天更新图片,支持一键转发 微信 cpg601
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广州名牌包包批发 莆田安福相册 每天更新图片,支持一键转发 微信 cpg601

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微信(WeChat):cpg601 phone: (86)17086897376 skype 17086897376 QQ: 3032356617 邮箱:3032356617@qq.com 支付宝(Alipay): 3032356617@qq.com *金呈 接单到下午5点,相册里面都带有价格 Orders to 5 pm, with the price of the book 支持货到付款发顺丰(要先付运费加手续费(货款的3%)不同金额手续费不太一样) Support cash on delivery (before shipment and 10 yuan fee) 代发有需要填写自己发件信息请备注说明 There is a need to fill in on behalf of their information please note 不影响二次销售,15天内可以退换 It does not affect the two sale, and can be exchanged within 15 days 钱包配有盒子,需要加小票 手提袋 海关单,加10元 The wallet with a box, need to add small ticket bag customs single, plus 10 yuan 大包没有配盒子,需要全套专柜包装 加30元 No big box with a full set of counters, need to add 30 yuan package 皮带配有全套包装 The belt is equipped with a full package 饰品配普通盒子,需要专柜全套包装另加! With the ordinary jewelry box, to counter the whole package plus! (包装保持完好,包包手提带上的包装不能拆,否则无法退换) (packaging intact, laptop bag with the packaging can not be removed, otherwise can not be returned) 无价格相册 https://w.url.cn/s/AaE4nCq 辽宁货不带价格链接,每天更新 https://w.url.cn/s/AUkaXeT (有写特价的款式,不支持退换,其他款式不影响二次销售,支持退换) (无价格相册怎么看价格: 描述或标题最后面有英文加数字,符号,A=100,B=200,C=300,有加符号/,刚加5,如A6=160.B1/=215.以此类推) (辽宁工厂直发,微信上图接单号:beibao556677) The original high quality bag 原单品质包包,配专柜全套包装(The original high quality bag) http://bestbagss.x.yupoo.com/ (价格为标价后四位数除以3,如 零售价21200,则实际价格为1200除以3,=400元) (After the price is marked, the four digits divided by 3, such as the zero price of 21200, the actual price is divided by 1200 by 3, =400 yuan) 鞋服不带价格相册:http://zhixiao303.x.yupoo.com/ (描述中A代表100,B代表200,C代表300,如A4=140元,B5=250元) 皮带眼镜帽子围巾 不带价格相册:http://x.yupoo.com/photos/pidai999/albums (价格为描述最后面的数字中前三位数除以2,如210320=105元,320120240=160元,鳄鱼皮带价格就是前4位数除以2) 眼镜帽子围巾 http://gy1133.x.yupoo.com/albums 女装女鞋相册 (支持退换)带价格 http://x.yupoo.com/photos/pifa007/albums 接单微信号:pifa0007 手表相册 http://yz1103.x.yupoo.com/albums (描述中A代表100,B代表200,C代表300,如A4=140元,B5=250元) 男包无价格相册 http://sgnb.x.yupoo.com/albums 描述中最后面的数值*5(5倍)就是价格 接单号cpg601 蔻驰包包 http://yz0102.x.yupoo.com/albums